Termeni si conditii

Termenii "pawn-team.ro", "serviciile noastere" reprezinta serviciile oferite prin site-ul pawn-team.ro si serverele de jocuri detinute de pawn-team.ro.

  • Toate platile sunt finale si nu se returneaza, exceptand situatiile in care platile au fost facute fara acordul platitorului.
  • Playerii care fac plati catre pawn-team.ro nu au parte de un tratament special. Toti utilizatorii sunt tratati la fel.
  • Folosirea optiunii de 'charge back' / 'refund' pe Paypal va duce la banarea permanenta din comunitatea pawn-team.ro.
  • Playerilor banati nu li se returneaza banii platiti pentru puncte premium.
  • pawn-team.ro isi rezerva dreptul de a modifica beneficiile acordate playerilor ce doneaza oricand.
  • pawn-team.ro isi rezerva dreptul de a suspenda, inchide, sterge sau modifica orice cont oricand cu sau fara un motiv, cu sau fara a notifica utilizatorii. Majoritatea conturilor sunt suspendate, inchise si/sau sterse pentru incalcarile regulamentului serverului ce poate fi gasit aici (click)
  • Serviciile oferite de pawn-team.ro sunt oferite "asa cum sunt" si nu garantam ca serviciile vor fi neintrerupte, fara erori sau ca erorile vor fi corectate. Nu oferim vreo garantie cu privire la serviciile oferite.

Terms and conditions

The terms "pawn-team.ro", "our services" represent the serives offered by pawn-team.ro through the site pawn-team.ro and its game servers.

  • All payments are final and non refundable in most cases. We do refund unauthorized payments.
  • The players that buy premium points are treated the same as players that do not buy premium points. Buying premium points does not help anyone to become a faction member, a faction leader, a helper or an admin.
  • The use of a charge back option on paypal will lead to have your account permabanned.
  • If you are banned, you will not receive a refund.
  • pawn-team.ro reserves the right to modify the benefits given to premium members at any time, without any notice.
  • pawn-team.ro reserves the right to suspend, terminate, delete or modify any account at any time for any reason or without reason, with or without notice to you. For purposes of explanation and not limitation, most account suspensions, terminations and/or deletions are the result of violations of our server rules that can be found here (click).
  • The services provided by pawn-team.ro are provided on an "as if", "as available" basis and pawn-team.ro does not warrant that the game or the service will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected. We decline all warranties, express or implied.
pawn-team.ro is not affiliated with Rockstar Games, Rockstar North or Take-Two Interactive Software Inc, or directly with the San Andres Muti Player Team.
Grand Theft Auto and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas are registered trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software Inc. The SAMP Mod belong to San Andres Muti Player team, www.sa-mp.com.

(c) ecolomania.ro 2015 - 2025 / terms and conditions / privacy policy / contact